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Enquire now


We accept enrolments from students from outside our designated zone if vacancies exist in the year level of application.
Apply now

If you are considering enrolment in Years 8-12, please complete the online Enrolment form (below) and return it with two recent school reports and a copy of the student’s birth certificate or passport. Alternatively, you can contact our school registrar with any enquiries on 8599 0531.

Please refer to the Years 7-9 or Years 10-12 Curriculum Guides to assist with options for subject selections and pathways at Sandringham College.

Please click here for the Year 7 application timeline and information.

Expression of Interest (Enrolment)

    Please note: All fields are required to be completed to process your application.
    Tip: If you are having difficulties completing the form please update your web browser to the latest version. (For optimum results, please try submitting using Google Chrome)

    Year Level of Enrolment:
    Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11Year 12Years 11-12 (VCAL)

    Semester Start (if available): Semester 1Semester 2

    Start Date (if available):

    Name of current / previous school:

    Year Level at current / previous school:

    Name of contact person at current / previous school (Sandringham College may like to contact your current / previous school to speak to a student co-ordinator / assistant principal):

    Do you have a sibling or family member at Sandringham College? YesNo

    Demographics data - Please indicate yes/no to the following questions.
    Is the student an Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Person. YesNo
    Is the student from a language background other than English. YesNo
    Does the student hold refugee status. YesNo
    Is the student living in statutory/court ordered out of home care. YesNo
    Is the student funded under the students with disability program. YesNo

    To progress with this application, please attach two copies of the most recent 'end of semester' academic reports and a copy of the student's birth certificate or passport:

    To verify that you are not a robot, please answer this simple maths equation:

    Creating academic excellence
    and young people of great character